Download And Install Mysql On Mac

MySQL is the most popular open source database management system. It allows you to quickly download and install and run a powerful database system on almost any platform available including Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X etc. In this tutorial, I am going to explain how to download and install MySQL on Mac OS X in a few easy steps.

/ Installing and Upgrading MySQL / Installing MySQL on macOS / Installing MySQL on macOS Using Native Packages 2.4.2 Installing MySQL on macOS Using Native Packages The package is located inside a disk image (.dmg ) file that you first need to mount by double-clicking its icon in the Finder. How to download and install MySQL for MAC OS X 2019 - Duration: 14:26. Techie Mum 14,168 views. Set up MySQL on Mac OS X 10.11 - Tutorial ENG - Duration: 8:02. Install MySQL on Mac OS X El Capitan. Download and install the latest MySQL generally available release DMG for Mac OS X. The README suggests creating aliases for mysql and mysqladmin. However there are other commands that are helpful such as mysqldump. Instead, you can update your path to include /usr/local/mysql/bin. Export PATH=/usr/local. Install MySql Database Server On Mac. Download MySql Server community version for MacOS.; Click the downloaded dmg file to open the MySql server installer package. Click Next button in the wizard dialog until go to the Change Install Location dialog, then click Install button to install it. In addition to the core installation, the Package Installer also includes Chapter 3, Installing a MySQL Launch Daemon and Chapter 4, Installing and Using the MySQL Preference Pane, both of which simplify the management of your installation.


Mac OS X doesn’t ship with its own copy of MySQL, nor does Sequel Pro. You will have to install a copy on your local machine, or connect to the MySQL server on a machine somewhere on the Internet.

Most webservers and website packages will include a MySQL installation as part of the services they provide, and usually provide external connection details to allow you to connect to them in an external program like Sequel Pro. (See Web Hosting Providers for a list of hosting options).

Important! IncoPOS for macOS can now download, install and configure MySQL server for you when it is started for the first time. You can download it from here.

Download MySQL

The first step is to download MySQL server on your Mac.

Go to the MySQL web site and select the version that matches your version of Mac OS. Select the DMG archive version which I recommend. Open the installer and follow the installation steps.

Warning! Because Oracle has changed the MySQL installer and the default parameters of the MySQL server in newer versions the following steps may no longer work. These steps were tested with MySQL server version 5.7.18 for macos10.12 in 2017 and I hoped this still worked fine with latest version. If not, feel free to leave a comment and I will update this post ASAP.

Please download and install version 5.5.48 to make sure that all the steps will work correctly. If for some reason the installer is no longer available on the MySQL web site you can download it from here.

Pay attention to the password in notification center. If you do not save the proper password for admin, open notification center and scroll a little bit, you will find something like this:

MySQL Configuration

  • Choose Apple () menu > System Preferences > MySQL, select MySQL and start MySQL server and move to the next step. If you use MySQL frequently, make sure to leave the checkbox “Automatically Start MySQL Server on Startup” so you won’t have to do that again and again.
  • Open terminal and type:

  • Type this piece of codes in the file you opened, then save and quit.

  • Use this piece of code and the password appeared in notification center to log in.

  • If you successfully log in using Terminal, you can use this piece of code to reset/change your password.

Mysql For Mac

  • This is it! Now you have MySQL installed and secured on your Mac.

Install Mysql Client On Mac

If you notice mistakes and errors in this post, don’t hesitate to leave a comment and I would be super happy to correct them right away!