Ansible Download Mac

  1. Ansible Download Module
  2. Ansible Install Homebrew
  3. Find Ansible Version
  4. Mac Ansible Config
  5. Ansible Download Mac Os

Installing Vagrant and VirtualBox (The excellent visual diagram was found on Your Personal Cloud. In order to learn Ansible, we need some machines to configure (some people call these “servers” but there is a reason for the differentiation). $ sudo make -C /usr/ports/sysutils/ansible install Latest Releases on Mac OSX The preferred way to install ansible on a Mac is via pip. The instructions can be found in Latest Releases Via Pip section. Latest Releases Via OpenCSW (Solaris) Ansible is available for Solaris asSysV package from OpenCSW.

(The excellent visual diagram was found on

Ansible download and install

Your Personal Cloud

Ansible Download Module

In order to learn Ansible, we need some machines to configure (some people call these “servers” but there is a reason for the differentiation).

Now, you could go to the local computer store and buy 5 machines, set them up, and you’d be good. Except that’s pretty expensive, $1000+. Alternatively, you could go rent these machines from one of the many cloud providers for a cost of $10 per machine, per month. That costs less and is a great choice once your website, email, or other services are ready for use by customers. However, for learning, we can do things even cheaper.

Installing VirtualBox

VirtualBox turns your computer into a mini cloud. Your computer’s resources can be subdivided among many virtual machines (“VMs”) that act similarly to a real machine, but without most of the hardware. VirtualBox is provided free of charge by Oracle for our educational purposes, and you will want to download and install it from, under the “VirtualBox platform packages” section.

Once you’ve done that, you’re ready to run any of the many supported Operating Systems, including Windows, Linux, and more.

Installing Vagrant

Having VirtualBox installed to give us virtual machines is great, but it would take a lot of time and manual effort on our part to install and configure our operating systems. This will get especially tedious when we need to use more than 1 VM, we’ll have to configure multiple machines by hand every single time! And, if we ever get stuck or want to start over, all of that work will be worthless. If only there was a way we could automate most

You’re probably considering Ansible because it will automate the process of configuring your machines. Ansible is a great tool, but it requires SSH to run, so we’re out of luck to use Ansible to install the actual operating systems in VirtualBox.

Enter Vagrant, which will create VMs in VirtualBox and install the requested operating system (among other things) all via the command line. This will make our lives so much easier.

To get Vagrant, head over to the Vagrant Website and download/install according to your platform (Mac, Linux, Windows, etc.)

Ensure Vagrant is installed by running the following command in a Terminal. You should see the version information.

Initializing Vagrant and VirtualBox

Note: There are many ways to use tools and Vagrant and VirtualBox are not exceptions. There are plenty of things to configure, so for these tutorials, I’m going to intentionally slim things down and we can expand on things in later lessons. Even if you prefer a different configuration or operating system version, I’d suggest following along exactly with the tutorials so you get the hang of things first, and I’ll be able to help you fix any problems. You can always change things up later

Let’s kick things off by starting a lengthy download. Run this command now, and let it work in the background while you follow along with the rest of this article.

What this command does for us is tell Vagrant to download a fully installed and configured image of Ubuntu “Trusty” (v14.04) x64 for use within VirtualBox and other platforms. That’s why it is cleverly named Vagrant.

Next, we need to initialize Vagrant. Create and use a clean directory wherever you like, and then run the following command:

This command will create a new file named “Vagrantfile” which has a bunch of configuration options for Vagrant and how it interacts with VirtualBox and other providers. We’ll leave it as the defaults for now.

Now, we’re going to run the VM in VirtualBox. In the same directory as the newly created Vagrantfile, run this command:

That’s it! There is a new virtual machine create right before your very eyes, configured to work on your local computer and with VirtualBox. If you open VirtualBox now, you’ll see the newly created VM.

You can access the new VM through SSH (the same technology that Ansible uses) by running:

We’re ready to bring Ansible into the mix in the next lesson. in the mean time, check out these other Vagrant commands and experiment with them if you like:

The VSCode ansible extension is designed to increase developer productivity authoring, testing and using Ansible with Azure. The extension provides cool features around playbook authoring and execution. It supports running playbook from various places e.g. Docker, local installation, remote machines via ssh and Cloud Shell.

Table of Content

  • Usage
    • Yaml validation
    • Run Ansible playbook


  • Auto completion. Auto completion Ansible directives, modules and plugins from Ansible doc, Auto completion for variables. Disable auto completion by setting ansible.autocompletion to false.
  • Code snippets. Press Ctrl + Space, Ansible playbook code snippets will show up.
  • Syntax highlighting. Enable syntax highlighting by setting files.associations to ansible in settings.json.
  • Yaml validation. Yaml validation by leverage Yaml language server.
  • Code navigation by Symbols, press Ctrl + Shift + O.
  • Hover over module names, to show module documentation. Disable hovering over by setting ansible.hover to false.
  • Run playbook from Docker.
  • Run playbook from local Ansible installation.
  • Run playbook from Cloud Shell.
  • Run playbook remotely via ssh.
  • Auto File Copy to remote host on saving.


This extension provides below configurations in settings.json.

Config NameDefault ValueDescription
ansible.autocompletiontrueEnable/Disable ansible autocompletion(including code snippets) functionality. To enable ansible autocompletion only in specific yaml files, set ansible.autocompletion = false, then add # ansible-configured header in first line of yaml file.
ansible.hovertrueEnable/Disable hover over module name functionality.
ansible.reuseSSHTerminaltrueEnable/Disable SSH terminal reusing.
ansible.credentialsFile$HOME/.vscode/ansible-credentials.ymlSpecify ansible credentials file path, used when run playbook in Docker/Local Ansible.
ansible.termininalInitCommandDefault is docker run command for Docker.Specify customized terminal init command when run playbook in Docker.
ansible.dockerImagemicrosoft/ansible:latestDocker image name when running playbook in Docker.
ansible.customOptionsnullCustomize run playbook options. eg. -i xxxx -vvv.
ansible.fileCopyConfignullFile copying configuration when running playbook remotely via SSH. It's array of configuration. Please see detail at here


Run Playbook in Cloud Shell/Remotely via sshnodejs >= 6.0
Run Playbook in DockerDocker
Run Playbook in Local AnsibleAnsible


Associate your Yaml files with ansible language in VSCode settings.json:

Code snippets

Code snippets will be in auto-completed list with suffix _snippet. Press tab to move inside snippet parameters.

Syntax highlighting

Enable syntax highlighting by adding files.associations in settings.json, to associate your paths with ansible language, please see sample.

Run Ansible playbook

Run Playbook in Docker

  1. Make sure Docker is installed and running. For non-Windows platform, please configure Docker run without sudo.

  2. Default docker image is microsoft/ansible:latest, which is latest Ansible version. Customizing your own docker image by configuration item ansible.dockerImage, customizing docker init command by configuration ansible.termininalInitCommand, eg. docker run -i -t microsoft/ansible:ansible2.5.5 /bin/bash. Detail please see configuration.

  3. For Windows user, please share your Windows driver where vscode workspace sits on with docker. This is because the extension will map your workspace containing playbook with docker.

  4. This step is optional. If you want to run cloud provider specific Ansible modules, you need set cloud credentials in credential yaml file, default path is $HOME/.vscode/ansible-credentials.yml, or change credential file path by settings item ansible.credentialsFile. Credential file template is at here.

  5. Press F1, type: Ansible, choose Run Ansible Playbook in Docker. Or right click playbook yaml file, choose Run Ansible Playbook in Docker.


    • Docker on Windows is not as stable as on other platforms, please try to restart Docker in case of any issue.
    • Downloading Docker image first time usage may be time consuming in case of slow network connection.

Run Playbook in Local Ansible

  1. Make sure Ansible is installed.
  2. This step is optional. If you want to run cloud provider specific Ansible modules, please setup cloud credentials by following Ansible instruction. Or you can set cloud credentials in credential file, default path is $HOME/.vscode/ansible-credentials.yml, change credential file path by settings item ansible.credentialsFile. Credential file template is at here.
  3. Press F1, type: Ansible, choose Run Ansible Playbook in Local Ansible. Or right click playbook yaml file, choose Run Ansible Playbook in Local Ansible.

Run Playbook in Cloud Shell

  1. Important Please setup Cloud Shell for first time usage in Azure Portal by following this instruction. After setup, input cmd az account show to learn your current subscription setting.
  2. Install Azure Account VSCode extension, which is used for Azure login.
  3. Press F1, type: Azure: Sign In, do Azure login.
  4. Press F1, type: Ansible, choose Run Ansible Playbook in Cloud Shell. Or right click playbook yaml file, choose Run Ansible Playbook in Cloud Shell.
  5. Confirm awareness on Azure usage fee. Please refer to this document to learn more about Azure Cloud Shell pricing.
  6. Known issue due to adal issue, introduced in azure account extension, user might see Entry not found error when connect to cloud shell. Please retry open cloud shell.

Run Playbook Remotely via ssh

  1. Press F1, choose Run Ansible Playbook Remotely via ssh, follow wizard to pick up/add remote host. Or configure your remote server in $HOME/.ssh/servers.json like below.

Files copy to remote on saving

  1. Configure file copying to remote host on saving as below in settings.json. sourcePath will be copied to remote server as targetPath when configuration added/updated. copyOnSave will copy local saved files to remote host.

There's notification message at right side of status bar.

Samples for azure_rm_resource (Preview)

This command provides sample code snippets for azure_rm_resource module, those samples are from Azure Rest API spec.

Ansible Install Homebrew

To use, press F1 and then select Ansible: Samples for azure_rm_resource (PREVIEW) command.You will be first asked for API group, then required operation. After selecting operation a pickup list will be displayed where you can select particular API version and sample. Extension will create appropriate playbook based on azure_rm_resource or azure_rm_resource_facts module.

Note that all the samples generated by the extension are based on REST API samples from this repository:

Please also refer to Azure REST API reference here:

Find Ansible Version

In case of any bugs encountered in samples please fill an issue here:

Note 1: This feature requires Ansible >= 2.7.

Note 2: When using for the first time it may take a few minutes to retrieve REST API specifications.

Feedback and Questions

You can submit bug or feature suggestion via issues.


MIT license.

Mac Ansible Config


This extension collects telemetry data to help improve our products. Please read Microsoft privacy statement to learn more. If you opt out to send telemetry data to Microsoft, please set below configuration in settings.json:


Ansible Download Mac Os

This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct.For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ orcontact with any additional questions or comments.

Please see below documents to learn how to contribute:

Release Notes and Thank you

Please see our releases to see detail in each release, and Thank you. Or check CHANGELOG.